Proven Experience: As a 100% Iraqi owned company, with over $100 million worth of ongoing and completed engineering, construction, telecom, and information technology projects in Iraq, Kufan is an integral part of Iraq’s new era.
Sample Projects in Central Iraq
- Al Mamoun Exchange
- Camp Justice
- NAMAB Fuel Distribution
- Qadasiyah EOD Compound
- IZ Health Sciences Academy
Sample Projects in Southern Iraq
- Al Abass Combined Sanitary Network
- Bucca Brick Factory
- Camp Mittica Refurbishment
Kufan’s diverse project management
experience in central Iraq ranges from
trunk pipelines to secure wireless
telecom for Iraq’s Ministry of Interior.
Kufan’s experience in Iraq
enables us to deliver projects
on-time, on-budget, and at low
client risk.
Kufan’s experience in Southern Iraq
includes piping networks, control
systems, and utilities upgrades.