Scale, Resources, and Relationships: With Kufan, you gain the scale, resources, and established relationships to engage quickly, precisely, and confidently – helping drive more rapid and reliable investment returns.

Since 2004, Kufan has primed over $100 million worth of engineering and construction throughout Iraq.

In Southern Iraq, Kufan maintains an office in Basrah to support the Basrah Logistics City (BLC) and the Al Abass Sanitary Network Project in Basrah City.

Our experience includes fuel storage, pipelines, pump stations, and steel structures – all supported by sophisticated engineering and reliable regional suppliers.

Established Relationships Reduce Risk

In addition to our technical capabilities and infrastructure, we have established relationships with key decision makers in Basrah and Baghdad – vital assets that enhance efficiency and reduce investment and operational risk.

News and Events

Kufan Complete Badra Oil Field Project

By Maythem Al-Asadi | December 14, 2017 |

Various Civil, Concrete Work, Pipeline and Welding, & Fabrication of Gladding System on Work Order…

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